Superior Room (with/without Extra Bed) (93 номера) Площадь 39 м2 |
Не предоставляются или отсутствуют: Room service Вид из номера: на сад Покрытие пола: Плитка Комнаты в номере: Спальня Кровати: 1 двуспальная Банные принадлежности: Мыло, Шампунь, Гель для душа Дополнительные опции: Чайные принадлежности, Электрический чайник Уборка в номере: ежедневно Смена белья: три раза в неделю Комментарии: Номера with Extra Bed: номера с дополнительным спальным местом (раскладной кроватью). |
Superior Pool/Paddy View Room (with/without Extra Bed) Площадь 39 м2 |
Не предоставляются или отсутствуют: Room service Вид из номера: бассейн/рисовые поля Комнаты в номере: Спальня Кровати: 1 двуспальная Дополнительное спальное место (одно из): Раскладная кровать Банные принадлежности: Мыло, Шампунь, Гель для душа Дополнительные опции: Чайные принадлежности, Электрический чайник Уборка в номере: ежедневно Смена белья: три раза в неделю Комментарии: Номера with Extra Bed: номера с дополнительным спальным местом (раскладной кроватью). |
Хороший отпуск по разумной цене в отеле BELEZA BY THE BEACH 3*!
Проведите отпуск в отеле BELEZA BY THE BEACH 3* в Индии. Здесь вам обеспечат отдых в хорошем отеле по справедливой цене. Отель расположен в непосредственной близости от центров активной жизни в окружении потрясающей природы. Советуем приехать сюда, чтобы почувствовать традиционную атмосферу курортов Индии, восхититься белоснежными широкими пляжами, послушать шум океана. Такой недорогой вариант подойдет для молодежного и семейного отдыха. Вокруг отелей растут пальмовые рощи, примыкающие к красивым пляжам и тропическим садам.
Отель BELEZA BY THE BEACH среднего ценового уровня категории 3* в Индии
Трехзвездочные отели Индии представляют собой малоэтажную застройку из трех и четырехэтажных корпусов или бунгало, построенных на небольшой площади. Зеленые территории очень ухоженные и радуют посетителей пальмовыми аллеями, дорожками обрамленными кустарниками или газонами. Вокруг отелей вы всегда найдете множество ресторанов, кафе, магазинов, торговых центров и рынков.
Расстояние от отелей до аэропорта обычно составляет около 45 км, а крупные города расположены всего в 12-20 км. от отеля. Белоснежные или золотистые пляжи довольно широкие и плавно уходят в сторону океана, благодаря чему на мелководье отлично проводят время дети. Кроме того, на побережье нет ежей и кораллов, поэтому оно считается безопасным для семейного отдыха. Зонты и шезлонги на побережье могут быть как платными, так и бесплатными. Но даже если, они и платные, то их стоимость очень скромная. Если пляжное оборудование не принадлежит отелю, то его можно арендовать в пляжном кафе «шейке».
Отель BELEZA BY THE BEACH категории 3* предлагает неплохой континентальный завтрак, состоящий из чая, кофе, тостов, джема, масла. За дополнительную плату можно заказать яичницу или омлет, или пройтись в прибрежное кафе «шейк», которых на побережье – множество, где за небольшую плату 5-7 USD Вам предложат на выбор 1-2 блюда и напиток.
Номера трехзвездочных отелей Индии простые и скромные. Часто в них отсутствует кондиционер, но всегда есть вентилятор, горячая и холодная вода. Они подходят для простого отдыха, без изысков, с минимальным набором технических средств. Номера оснащены удобной и современной мебелью, а также в них часто есть набор для приготовления чая и кофе.
Для детей в трехзвездочных отелях Индии небольшое выбор услуг. Например, отсутствует детское меню и игровая площадка, но часто есть детская секция в бассейне, а также предоставляются услуги няни и детская кроватка в номер.
Детальное описание отеля BELEZA BY THE BEACH
Выбрав тур отель Beleza By The Beach, Вы будете приятно удивлены близостью моря, вечерним шорохом волн и запахом солёного ветра, ведь отель расположен почти у самого пляжа на первой линии от моря. Выбрав этот отель, Вы не останетесь без связи с внешним миром, поскольку в Beleza By The Beach есть WiFi (Бесплатный). Многочисленные гости отеля в Индии на курорте Беталбатим подтверждают заявленную категорию 3 звезды для отеля BELEZA BY THE BEACH. Это «твердая троечка» – так отзываются постояльцы об отеле. В этой сводной оценке отражено и качество питания, и убранство номеров в отеле BELEZA BY THE BEACH, и уровень сервиса, и квалификация персонала. Отель BELEZA BY THE BEACH гарантирует Вам удачный отдых, доставит Вам массу приятных впечатлений.
На этой странице предлагаем Вам максимально подробное описание отеля BELEZA BY THE BEACH 3*. Гарантируем, что разнообразные фото отеля BELEZA BY THE BEACH и фото территории, фото лобби, номеров, ресторана, территории, бассейна, пляжа и главного здания отеля с разных ракурсов позволят Вам с лёгкостью выбрать наилучший вариант размещения на отдыхе.
Отель BELEZA BY THE BEACH 3* в Индии рад встрече с Вами!
В надёжных турагентствах с логотипом Велл Вам помогут забронировать отель BELEZA BY THE BEACH 3*. Но удобнее самостоятельно оставить заявку на этой странице.
Beleza By The Beach – What’s Nearby?
Best Nearby Restaurants & Bars
Poor choice, but why eat anywhere except at one of the very casual and very friendly shacks on the sand anyway? All have plastic chairs and most feature sandy floors, such as Magzika Beach Shack and Joel, although the Little Palm Restaurant is more ‘upmarket’ with its raised wooden floor. Come for the sunsets, when sunbeds are replaced by tables on the sand. Seafood is obviously a specialty, but plenty of other meals available.
Nearby Shops
Nothing nearby, but a few huts with some bits and pieces a few minutes’ walk south of where the path from the resort meets the beach.
Nearby Beach
Stretching as far as the eye can see in both directions, Betalbatim beach – which converges here into Colva beach – is gloriously wide and wonderfully uncrowded. Waves can be rough at times, however, so swim between the flags. (Lifeguards are on duty from about 10 am to sunset.) Shacks sell food and drinks and rent sunbeds and umbrellas. From the lobby, simply follow the signs (200m) and exit through the security gate with a guard.
Расстояние до аэропорта | 20 км до аэропорта Даболим |
Расстояние до ближайшего курортного центра | 2 км до Колвы |
Линия моря | 1 |
Расстояние до моря | 100 м |
Страна | Индия |
Регион | Южный Гоа |
Курорт | Betalbatim |
Особенности размещения
Размещение с животными | не предоставляется |
Номера для людей с ограниченными возможностями | 2 номера Superior Room |
Смежные номера | нет |
Номера для некурящих | курение в номерах запрещено |
Депозит | не взимается. |
Время заселения | 14:00 |
Время выселения | 11:00 |
Услуги отеля и инфраструктура
Пляж | Пирс, понтон: Нет. Территория пляжа: Городской песчаный пляж. Длина: 300 м Вход в море: Песок. |
Питание | Рестораны a la carte/шведский стол: Tentcao: международная кухня, 08:00-22:30 (платно). Бар: Paddy: 11:00-23:00 (платно). Расписание работы основного ресторана: Tentcao: завтрак 08:00-10:30 (шведский стол), обед 13:00-15:00, ужин 19:30-22:30. Система питания: BB Комментарии: BB – завтрак входит в стоимость проживания. |
Инфраструктура |
Не предоставляются или отсутствуют: Банкомат Отель принимает кредитные карты: Master Card, Visa Комментарии: Услуги доктора по запросу. |
Услуги для детей |
Не предоставляются или отсутствуют: Детские горшки, Аренда детских колясок, Няня Комментарии: Мини-клуб для детей от 5 до 12 лет: 09:00-18:00 (бесплатно). |
Конференц зал | Количество залов: 1 Комментарии к залам: Sereno: площадь 205 кв.м, максимальная вместимость 90 человек. |
Бассейн | Комментарии: 2 открытых бассейна без подогрева: 380 кв.м, часы работы 08:00-20:00 и 140 кв.м, часы работы 09:00-18:00. |
Комментарии: SPA-центр: 09:00-20:00. |
Спорт |
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The villas of Beleza by the beach Goa
The ground floor
Finally, coming to the villas. The whole resort has around 10 villas. Each villa has 3 rooms. It is indeed constructed in the form of a house. The ground floor consists of one room, a living area where a sofa is set, and a dining area where a small round dining table is set. The dining area is adjacent to a huge beautiful open kitchen.
The living area setup
Seriously, if you want to take away some idea for a beautiful house, this is the perfect setup. There are stairs leading to the first floor on one side of the dining area. Below the stairs, there is a door that opens up towards the reception and front side of Beleza by the beach Goa. While, the living room area has doors that open towards the back, facing the spa, play area and restaurant. Although, the kitchen is huge, I would have loved it if it were equipped to cook a few basic things. But alas, there is no utensils in the kitchen. I couldn’t understand why.
Beleza by the beach Goa
Nazare – the beach shack
Beleza by the beach Goa has a huge sprawling campus. As you enter through the main gate, towards the left , a narrow cobbled pathway leads to the dining restaurant and bar, ‘Nazare’. It has a cool sitting arrangement. And, from this restaurant, you can get a wonderful view of the sea and the sunset over it. From near the bar itself, a small door leads on to the beach. There is a register kept near the door to maintain the entry and exit to the beach through this private property. And, towels are also provided by the resort at this point.
Nazare and the beach beyond
The private property of landlord
Besides the beach shack Nazare, lies the private property of the landlord. I assume he must be either owning Beleza by the beach Goa. Or, at least, he must have owned the land on which the resort stands. Either way, he is having a great life, that I was instantly jealous of. The property consists of a huge garden, well manicured, and directly facing the sea. On the other end of this garden lies the bungalow of the landlord.
The reception
When you take right from the entrance gate, you arrive at the reception to Beleza by the beach Goa. The reception is an open area, made in the shape of a traditional hut. There is a small desk with one person behind it who will be ready to assist you with anything you need anytime. Once you arrive at Beleza by the beach, your cab will drop you at the reception. From here you can collect the key to your villa and proceed further. Right behind the reception lies the villas in a row. And, a small lane between the villas, from near the reception, leads to the fine dine restaurant Tentacao.
Beleza By The Beach – The Hotel
Beleza By The Beach is located where the Betalbatim and Colva beaches merge in the northern stretches of South Goa.
The resort is a little remote and accessible along a dirt path for the last section. However, there are plenty of places to eat and drink on the beach.
The Portuguese design and spacious layout is immediately captivating.
All rooms are among bushes and trees that seem to struggle in the dry season.
The resort is on the edge of farmland and rice fields, which gives it a serenity lacking in most other resorts.
Although the grounds are not huge, useful signs lead guests to the many facilities.
The main pool is a decent size and provides enough shade and sunbeds.
Surprisingly, there is a second pool but it’s often ignored or forgotten, and is therefore, quieter.
The room used by the fitness center is huge, but there is little equipment to fill it.
The attractive spa offers an impressive range of treatments.
A separate area among the grounds is dedicated to children, and is dominated by a games room.
Alongside the games room is a well-sized playground on the sand.
The main resort restaurant, Tentaçāo, is popular for grilled seafood and wood-fired pizzas.
It’s often nicer to sit at the outside tables at the Tentaçāo restaurant.
Alongside the main pool, the Paddy Bar provides divine views of the rice fields nearby.
A path from the resort lobby leads to the elegant Nazaré restaurant.
Only meters from the beach, Nazaré offers Portuguese cuisine and live music.
All rooms, suites, and villas are bright, cheerful, and spacious, and feature full-length windows.
One standout feature in some types of accommodation is the massive bathroom.
The décor, such as the art and bed linen, make the rooms and suites colorful without being garish.
All rooms, suites, and villas feature verandas or balconies.
Most types of accommodations face a patch of garden, while a few also overlook one of the pools.
There is more than enough space in most rooms for a sofa facing the window.
A well-signed path from near the lobby leads to the beach only 200m away.
Guests can relax on one of the sunbeds that face the sea (and behind a fence).
The beach, only 200m from the hotel, is glorious.
Several laidback shacks sell food and drinks at the beach virtually in front of the resort.
Like most others, the chairs are plastic and the floor is sandy, but Magzika is the best.
Sunbeds under thatched umbrellas can be rented.
Lifeguards operate between about 10 am and sunset at the collection of beach shacks near the resort.
Waves can be rough at times for the inexperienced, so always swim between the flags.
The beach is remarkably laidback, but lifeguards, using a special elevated position, do take their job very seriously.
The sunsets are exceptional at this (and any other beach) at Goa. Check rates and availability: Beleza By The Beach
Final verdict
In conclusion, this resort+beach is well suited for families/groups that want leisurely and peaceful vacation and don’t really care too much about the thriving night life and too much of water activities. Since the resort has 3 bedroom villas, it’s particularly awesome for a group of 3 families or similar group of friends. What I mean is that if you could book one villa all to yourself, you would have an awesome time with great privacy. This can also be a great place for destination weddings. It will become like a home away from home.
Overall there are only some 10 plus villas which means never having an overcrowding in the resort, even if its fully booked. In case you want to venture out and hit other parts of Goa, the resort does provide for vehicles at fixed rate, which, you might find a little overpriced, but of course, there’s always a trade off between price paid and the comfort received (To be precise, a half day trip to Panjim and rest of Goa would cost anywhere between 2000-3000 INR (Depending on the distance to be covered or the time involved)). We did a half day trip to Arpora night flea market by hiring a taxi. But did’t go anywhere else. As we had earlier been to Goa when we had stayed at Resort Terra Paraiso right on the calangute beach. And we had also done a one day trip around Goa visiting all the highlights of the place. Now, do you think you can spend a few days in Goa without exploring the awesome markets of Goa or indulging much into the vibrant nightlife of the place? If so, then this place might be just perfect for you.
Here’s a brief list of pros and cons of the resort, as perceived by my family during our stay there:
Pros of stay at Beleza by the beach Goa
- Courteous staff. And I literally mean it. You would be greeted where ever you were spotted. Staff would be willing to go out of their way to help you out. A gardener left his work and strode along with us to show us the path to the beach. A waiter approached us and had a hearty chat while we were standing near the restaurant. Was it a necessity? No, it was courtesy. And the list goes on.
- Vast stretch of green lawn, decent swimming pool, on premises spa facilities, private access to beach, plus a children’s play area that was big relief for me as my little one is used to it back home.
- Very good location and facilities to enjoy a leisurely vacation. We had leisurely walks across the beach, we could enjoy the sunset scenes on the beach sitting into the shack at nazare.
- The property is a collection of 3 bedroom villas, having 1 bedroom at ground floor along with kitchen and dining and 2 bedrooms on the first floor with a vast sitting area. The terrace had benches to sunbath and enjoy a glance on the stretches of the resort. The rooms were air conditioned, had a mini freeze tucked-in, a very easy to operate locker and a water heater kettle as well. Laundry service was available on the premises. In short, all basic amenities that you could ask for a comfortable stay were present.
- Free wifi but the strength was not that great in the rooms.
Cons of stay at Beleza by the beach Goa
- The biggest con was the food options available on the premises. Since the property is a little far from major markets, restaurants and other ready food options, until you are willing to venture out for long, you have to satisfy yourself with a limited menu. There are two restaurants – tentacao in the middle of the resort and nazare – the beach shack. Ambiance wise, both win. But food wise, both fail to satisfy. The breakfast option is decent, but for lunch, snacks and dinner there are very less varieties to choose from. Plus, we felt the food was overpriced for the amount of satisfaction it gave to the taste bud. Goan bun was way too chewy and we had a sundae which didn’t have brownie!!! (essentially , it was two scoops of vanilla icecream with a little chocolate sauce).
- Little thoughtfulness was missing here and there : like no bucket in bathrooms!! (I had a hard time giving my little one a bath), no mosquito sprays (due to greenery there was a abundance of mosquitos but the provided repellants were not sufficient and they didn’t have a spray available on the premises which we could use – again my baby came back home with quiet some gruesome mosquito byte marks), no refill/replacement of toiletries even when they got exhausted, no plane drinking water in site on the breakfast buffet spread etc. These are very little things that if not overlooked, can make the daily stay of a customer much more convenient and pleasurable.
Cost of stay at Beleza by the beach Goa
Coming to the cost, the rooms were rated somewhere around 5000-6000 INR per night. But we booked resort through agoda and got a better package deal from them that included breakfast, airport pickup and drop along with stay. Want to grab this deal? Click below: